Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday's Suck - Quote-a-long

Monday's Suck!

We all know Monday's suck, so to help make it better, lets get our quote love in for the week.

Quoting your favorite line from a cheesy movie or ridiculous friend always makes us feel better. Makes us laugh or swoon.

So tell us your favorite quote from the book you're reading. Cheer us up. What's so great about the quote?

Here's how it works (you can see my example below):
Tell us the page # or % (if you know it) where we can find the quote, the title of the book, author and finally -- THE QUOTE!

Page 2 of Wither, by Lauren Destefano

I've seen them on television, reluctant yet beautiful teenage brides, on the arm of a wealthy man who is approaching the lethal age of twenty-five.
The other girls never make it to the television screen. Girls who don't pass their inspection are shipped to a brothel in the scarlet districts. Some we have found murdered on the sides of roads, rotting, staring into the searing sun because the Gatherers couldn't be bothered to deal with them.
Okay, it's a long quote today, but it's totally worth it! Right off the bat this paragraph caught my attention. It's haunting and gruesome. Right up my alley. I can't wait to read more.


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